ReQuest::Glorantha Campaign::Player Characters
Larad - Humakt initiate
Larad's Background
Larad was born in the major port town of Karse and raised in relative comfort for many years, until his father was discovered (and convicted for) running a large smuggling racket and beheaded for his crimes.
Larad's love for his father was never great, for his father was never a kind or just man. Larad's greatest worry after the execution was how to care for his newly-widowed mother.
To ease the financial burden on his family, and impressed by the local Sword's skills in uncovering and convicting the smugglers, Larad became a lay member of Humakt. With sufficient training in the ways of the sword he could earn enough money to fend for himself and keep his mother in good food.
Over the following years Larad became disenchanted with Karse, seeing only deceit and corruption rife. He vowed to work his way up through the ranks of Humakti so that he may be able to temper the town. With this goal in mind, he left Karse to practice the sword throughout the land.
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