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Ashbringer's War

Page history last edited by Bruce Mason 13 years, 7 months ago

The Blood of Orlanth Act IV:Ashbringer's War

Gathering the Clans

Windsday Death week

The High Holy Day of Humakt and Larad spends the day at Sky End Stead giving a service. Not particularly used to doing this but there is some interest. In the meantime the rest of our heroes discuss how best to encourage a treaty between the Wolves and the Laughing River. They decide in the end to visit each settlement individually and escort Hilda back to the Laughing River tula.


Fireday Death week

And so to Urling's Ford, Keldo's home their first stop on the way to Thunder Bridge. There they discover that the village chief does not want to get involved in any uprising. He thinks that the events around Hrulf's shame was a message about betrayal and honesty. Having killed an EWF patrol who had guest rights and now making arrangements to make reparations they refuse to get involved with any more bloodshed. Keldo in particular is disappointed They end up taking a teenager from the village to Thunder Bridge in order to convince him that they need to fight dragons.


Wildday Death Week

Travelling south. Fairly uneventful bar the return of the river messing with Keldo some more.


Godday Death Week

So our heroes arrive Thunder Bridge with much catching up of news and gossip and a reunion with Aslander who arrives at Thunder Bridge with missives from Maralis. Larad spends some time walking around the defences and notices the west wall is weak. Having seen what a Thunderer did to the fence at Billhook Farm, he figures it would not be held up. The main plus is that they won't be able to get a Thunderer up a cliff and provided that the EWF can't get into the uplands via any other route, they should have nothing worse to worry about than Wyverns.


Later that day they meet with Donal again. He's on fine form, never shortchanging the crowd with just one word when he can use 100. The meeting is disappointing though. Donal and Daven his son are happy to defend Thunder Bridge and make it a stronghold for the clan but they've no interest in heading down south to help the The Laughing Rivers in their rebellion. It's pretty clear there's no love lost between Donal and Thandor and it's clear that Thandor has yet to send more than a little food aid. Thandor's reply had something along the lines of "it seems the wolves have already helped themselves to some of our beef so we expect you're all fat enough to need no other assistance for a while." All in all, it's becoming clear that the Wolves will fight to protect their tula but that's the end of it.


Freezeday Fertility

Disappointed, the party travel south to scout out the area around Sunvale for news about the EWF. Their aim is two-fold. One is to gather enough evidence to persuade the Wolves that the EWF will move on them after they've defeated the lowlands. The other is to show that the EWF can be defeated as they were at Billhook Farm. As Hilda is not exactly the fighting type, she and the rest of Maralis's men head south via different road to take news to Maralis. The party take the kid from Urlings Ford and go dragon hunting. They aim to impress. After making a cold and wet camp that night, they are soon to get what they want.


Waterday Fertility

As they are heading towards Sunvale they see a wyvern and rider patrolling. After an initial consideration of hiding it's obvious that they have been seen so they switch to Plan B. Kill it. Easier said than done though but after a series of circles Aslander spots that it has come close enough. Trusting in the storm, he lets the arrow fly and it strikes deep into a wing. The rider tries to fly off but the wyvern is too wounded to carry his weight and it makes a badly controlled landing as far from our heroes as possible.  Realising that they probably have little time before the rider can dismount and remove the arrow, the party run after the wyvern with all haste. Cormalin throws a javelin as they run while Keldo, Larad and Aslander charge as if their lives depend on it. A nasty, brutal skirmish ensues. Keldo almost cuts off its tail when it tries to sting and the rider stays in his saddle, hacking down at them and trying to prevent them from surrounding him. He's outnumbered 4-1 and the wyvern can't defend itself properly so, in the end, there is only one outcome. The wyvern is beheaded and Keldo carries out his usual job of carrying body parts around. Exhilarated by the victory they continue on to Sunvale.


Continuing on the east road in the direction Sunvale, they encounter an encampment of free Orlanthi. They tell them that the north and south roads have been cut off by the EWF and only this east road is still free though they are constantly experiencing wyverns and swoopers overhead and EWF scouts spying out the land. When they hear that the party have come from the Wolves there's a mixture of excitement about the possibility of help from there and disbelief that the Wolves will do anything to help. Regardless, they accompany the party part of the way to Sunvale.


At Sunvale they meet with Hendrik and Thandor. Sunvale's leaders are not massively happy to see them again, Thandor in particular believes that they forced his hand however Hendrik tends to think that it needed doing then. After much talk and some preening, Thandor explains that they halted an initial advance in the west woods some two weeks ago. A leader called The Stonebreaker at the head of the EWF forces has since then cut off the north and south roads but has not been able to cross the river in force. Unfortunately for Sunvale, as with many of the Laughing River settlements, the best land is on the west of the river so that's where the towns are. The river doesn't protect them from the west but at least the lack of fords and bridges means it's hard for the EWF to cut off the roads to the east.


Now Thandor is waiting for the promised help from Maralis. The party tells him that she's trying to create an alliance and they're working on persuading the Wolves to enter the rebellion. Thandor doesn't hold out much hope for that and, to be honest, he would rather not share the glory. However, he may be magnificent but he's a pragmatist at heart and he knows that if Maralis doesn't send help soon, he's going to struggle against any major push from the EWF. For the moment, sending raiders into the west woods is keeping the EWF forces off balance without risking much in the way of casualties. This will not last much longer. Most of this he doesn't the tell the party, but he does encourage them to return to the Wolves and offer an alliance. He doesn't really believe it but he's happy to give it a go. Plus he doesn't exactly trust this lot or their agenda. He's heard rumours of their activities down south and something about an artifact and some sort of betrayal of duck fighters. All in all, better to get them out of his lands.


Friends in High Places

Clayday Fertility

Travelling north


Windsday Fertility

Our heroes, an impressed teenager and a wyvern's bloody head arrive back at Thunder Bridge. Time for another consultation with Daven. They warn him that the EWF are on the verge of encircling Sunvale, show him the wyvern's head to prove that it can be done and generally find that Daven is still unmoved. The council is interrupted however, by a messenger from Maralis.


Maralis is not happy. Maralis spent a lot of time sourcing the disorder kegs she used to blow up the EWF fleet. A lot of time, a lot of money and built a network to enable the smuggling of advanced weapons to her forces in Sunvale. Now someone's killed her source - The Nineman - and her middleman - Stumpy - has fled town. It would have been better if that someone had been someone she was actually not allied to. However, she's nothing if not resourceful. Another contact has come up trumps. Truth be told (and she's not telling anyone this) she would rather not have taken this route but Jrusteli agents have offered to open negotiations. The problem (and the opportunity) is that they have arranged a meeting in the highlands in neutral territory between the tulas of the Wolves and Riverfolk. Furthermore, although the messenger doesn't say this, the agent has indicated that they would rather deal with neutrals themselves at first and have mentioned a mercenary company they would be willing to do business with headed by a Humakti called Larad. Now the PCs no almost none of this and Maralis isn't telling and she doesn't trust this series of events as far as she can hurl it, but rebellions need weapons and if this is a trap then at least the neutrals can walk into it. 


What the PCs get told by the messenger is a place and time of meeting and that Maralis is giving them authority to represent her. They are to take note of the God learners' demands and bring back what they can.


Fireday Fertility

So, the party head east, following the line of the cliff edge for half a day before striking north to a rendezvous point in the hills. This takes them a little closer to the Footprint than is absolutely comfortable. At the rendezvous point they encounter Cadamil again. Brusque and sober (for a change) he and 3 scurvy air pirates (though they don't yet know this) takes them to a secluded valley where the Ebenriss Hawk Exultant is anchored. They have never seen its like. Hanging in the air in exactly the way that a brick doesn't they see a ropeladder unfurled and various crew members busying around cutting timber. Rather worryingly, somewhere in that floating monstrosity is Rsadi, a sorceress who terrifies Jezat.  Furthermore, Cadamil makes it amply clear that no weapons or armour will be allowed. There's a tense pause and all can see Keldo calculating the possibility of hiding various dagger around his body. Realising that dissembling is not their strong point, the party divest themselves of sharp, pointy and heavy things and climb the ladder.


They climb to the upper deck, standing unsteadily as the wind whips around then descend to a lower deck. As they do so, they all see something. That something is metallic, cylindrical, slightly smaller than a man and seems to be involved in repairs or maintenance with two attachments roughly where arms might be. From its body, the occasional gout of black smoke issues and all are disturbed when, somehow, the top element swivels around, seeming to study them. Cadamil simply notes "That's Yarlech. The humble. It cleans up around here." Before they have time to collect their thoughts, Cadamil is knocking at a door, says "The emissaries are here, m'lady" and is ushering them in. 


Rsadi. One of the leading wizards among the God Learners. A figure of power and majesty, dread and fascination is sitting in front of them. In plain clothes, her hair silver. In front of her, a steaming pot of tea and some comfortable looking chairs. She smiles, gestures at the chairs, and asks "Cup of tea anyone?" It's fair to say that this is not what they were expecting. Still, they go with it and listen to what she has to say. Rsadi's stance is simple, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Right now the EWF are besieging Zistorwal. If the Solthi River tribes rebel, the EWF will have fewer resources to spend on Zistorwal. However she's aware that the rebellion is short on manpower and high quality weapons. She can do something about the latter. She can offer two types of support: reasonable numbers of well-crafted arms and armour plus a small number of iron and Zistorite weapons. Yarlech is summoned. He carries cases with three enchanted weapons that Rsadi describes as power weapon and a dozen iron weapons (a mix of swords, axes and spears). He lets Larad pick a sword and Larad is impressed by its balance. 


The party are suspicious and press her on what she wants. As well as wanting the rebellion to succeed, she also wants to be able to negotiate future trade agreements. The 12 iron and 3 power weapons are a down-payment to show her good faith and to provide some initial support for the rebellion. But she also wants something else. A thief has killed various of her comrades and attempted to escape with stolen goods. She's aware that the party were involved in hunting down this thief and believes them to be the last to see him alive. She wants to know where he is now. The party are not inclined to help but they also want to know the location of Grandmother Hickory. Rsadi looks blank for a minute until she realises who they're talking about - "Hykora!" She's happy to trade information. Hykora is a "guest" in Zistorwal. She's curious to know how they know each other and mentions something along the line of "Oh, so she was using one of the old bolt holes. How interesting." As for Jezat, the party tell her that he was put on a ship to the Right Arm Islands. They don't exactly know where these islands are but they're a long way away. 


Business complete, tea drunk and biscuits pilfered, the party are escorted off the airship. Once on the ground, Cadamil gives them a lesson in how to use the power weapons: they need to be concentrated on in order to gather lightning which they will then unleash on a stroke. He tells them there's only a limited life to these weapons - about a dozen uses normally - and they would need returning to Zistorwal in order to "recharge." 


So, the mule is packed, promissory notes stored and winter cloaks fastened. As they watch, the crew of the Ebenriss climb various ropes to the decks. They see a man who is clearly the captain issuing orders. They leave, climbing out through the head of the valley. About 30 minutes later they turn and see the Ebenriss ascend from behind the hills. It rises into the sky, silent and ominous before being swallowed by the early evening clouds.


Wildday Fertility

Having camped overnight they return to Sunvale with weapons and trading notes they arrive back at Thunder Bridge in the afternoon. It's a blustery day with sleet in the air. Once again they meet with Donal and Daven. The weapons impress them and messengers are sent to Urling's Ford and Sky End Stead in the highlands. Maralis's messenger heads back to the lowlands. 


Slaughter in Sunvale

Godday Fertility

The next day dawns a little warmer but silently so for Larad. Overnight a messenger from Thandor has arrived. The party are invited to the audience and see the messenger begging for their help. Thandor says that Sunvale is almost completely surrounded and he expects an attack imminently. The message appeals to the clan's honour as Orlanthi and self-interest as he still has significant grain stores. Donal and Daven both mock the messenger at first and definitely have no inclination to aid Thandor. but the party's words and the display of weapons, demonstrating the power of lightning, gets Daven fired up. Donal agrees that Daven can take 12 men and accompany the party to Sunvale in an attempt to help break the siege. This is likely to be a lot less than Thandor was hoping for but probably more than he was expecting.


Freezeday Stasis

The party and their companions travel south into Laughing River territory. They swing a reasonable way to the east at first in order to avoid EWF patrols and flights. Towards the end of the day one of the scouts spots an EWF encampment. There's no easy way around it but a careful approach then much charging and screaming quickly took out the threat. After healing, one man is left with a major wound that's stabilised and another with a serious wound. The rest of the trip passes uneventfully and they meet with Thandor.


As predicted, Thandor is pleased to receive any help but disappointed there isn't more. Regardless they talk over various tactical options. The EWF sends swoopers at dawn and dusk to harass the gate forces. There are still skirmishes in the woods to the west but the last time scouts were sent out, a lot didn't come back. Thandor has tried to bait the leader of the army - Ferule The Stonebreaker - into a single combat but he's having none of it. So, they have been busy fortifying.  Larad throws a spanner in the works however when he reports back that the stakes set around the town won't hold back a Thunderer. Thandor asks what would? No one comes up with a suggestion however. They plan instead to start reinforcing the stakes on the two main entrances as that's where any Thunderer is most likely to attack.


Waterday Stasis

It's the hour before dawn and the swoopers are screaming. Our heroes awaken from a fitful sleep unsure as to whether this is the normal pre-dawn raids that they've been told about, or something bigger. Strapping on armour and grabbing weapons they stumble into the bracing air, hoarfrost coating the ground and their breaths misting. Hendrik shouting orders sees them, tells them "This is it!" A mass gathering of swoopers is attacking from the south and Hendrik is gathering warriors to repel them. One Orlanthi has already been grabbed and dropped to his death. Aslander is suspicious though: dragons have forked tongues and never tell the truth. As the party follow Hendrik, Aslander climbs onto the roof of Thandor's Hall still muttering to himself, "this is insane. It's suicide." Larad calls him, wondering why he is not charging into the battle but Aslander shakes his head and strings his bow, waiting for a target. 


At the south gate, the defenders are hurling javelins, sling stones and firing arrows but to no great effect. Daven starts to prepare his freshly gained Fly spell but Hendrik stops him. There have been many wyverns around and Hendrik wants to see wyverns before they use their flight. The swoopers are good at scaring the women and children but are not otherwise a huge threat. Sure enough, Hendrik's suspicions are correct because some 15 or so minutes after the swoopers attack there are alarums from the north. Wyverns are flying in. No riders but each carrying a boulder about the size of a man. Swooping in fast they hurl the boulders down among the few defenders at the north, one boulder smashing into the hastily strengthened gate. Our heroes and sundry other defenders rush to the north just in time to see not one thunderer charging but three, ridden by warrior dragonewts. 


Swinging into action like the well-oiled machine they are, the defenders try and hold the gate. Aslander fires arrows against the oncoming thunderers while the rest brace. Larad and Keldo take up positions to the side while Cormalin tries to skewer one. Their efforts are without success and the other defenders are also scattered by swooping wyverns. The first wave EWF troops come charging in behind the thunderers. Thandor rallies his men to repel them while the party try to deal with the thunderers. Larad tries rolling beneath one and stabbing upwards. His bravery almost gets him trampled; a quick bit of thinking (and a Hero Point) enables him to dig his shield into the ground and have it take it the weight of the beast, almost snapping in two in the process. Aslander tries to focus his missiles on one rider but is unable to get a decent shot off. Keldo, drawing on the reach of his axe, attempts to target another rider. The rest of the defenders attempt to impede the thunderers to prevent them from building up to charging speed. 


Then, when the wyverns swoop in again, Daven and others invoke the power of Orlanth to fly and take the battle to the skies. This is the first time the EWF have seen massed, coordinated flying resistance and although the Orlanthi are not well practised in flying combat, the tactic works well. Back at the gate, Cormalin and the spear carriers are preventing a mass break in but they all groan when they see the next wave of EWF troops advancing. From his vantage point, Aslander can see that even though the thunderers are being slowly overwhelmed by weight of numbers (Keldo is covered in dino-gore from head to foot and loving every minute of it) they are taking so many defenders away that it is only a matter of time before the town is overrun. Swearing profusely, he makes a fateful decision and climbs down, heading out of the village. In the midst of the melee, Larad sees him go but has no time to wonder why.


Because now the EWF are attacking in waves. Screams are heard from the western edge of the village as Renders have been seen climbing over the northern defences. The party manage to rally troops near the gate and then become involved in a vicious skirmish with another batch of Renders. They are however quite practiced in the art of Rendercide. Unfortunately doing this means that the defenders can no longer hold the gate and EWF troops start to pour in. Overlooking the battle from his vantage point, Ferrule sees the breach and orders yet more troops to advance. Meanwhile, Aslander has managed to get out of the town. 


The defenders are now under severe pressure. Larad has managed to form up with Keldo and is working as his shield arm while cutting down as many enemies as he can reach. Thandor and Hendrik have formed up in defence of the hall. Hendrik in particular has taken several wounds. In the aerial battle, one wyvern has crashed to the ground but at least two Orlanthi are out of the fight. Aslander, meanwhile, is secretly heading around the outskirts of the EWF troops. All are beginning to think that Aslander was right when he called this a suicide mission.


Speaking of which, Aslander's intent soon becomes clear. Judging himself to be in clear line of sight of Ferule's hilltop, Aslander reveals himself. Standing he invokes the power and majesty of Orlanth, the true storm and challenges Ferule to single combat to prove who the god is really with. Surrounded by his men, the battle going well, Ferule is both arrogant and protected. He knows he could refuse the challenge but this time he would lose face. This wild, battered, poorly armoured Orlanthi brave will surely pose no challenge so he accepts. Aslander is escorted to the camp sight, Ferule gives orders to his lieutenants to press the attack with no mercy to be shown. Sunvale must not only fall it must be shown to fall and its devastation must serve as a warning to all others who might be tempted to rebel.


Ferule speaks one phrase to Aslander - "To the death" and Asalander merely. Both wielding long-handled axes, both bathed in magic, mirror images of Orlanth. Aslander is dressed in mis-matched armour, is covered in bruises and mud, is exhausted from long weeks on the trail. Ferule in contrast is clothed head to foot in the finest dragonbone armour, is fresh and clean and wielding the finest magic and weapons that the EWF can provide. If this was a legend, there could only be one outcome. Sadly for Aslander, it is not.


The two charge at each other clashing with a sound that can be heard up and down the valley. Contemptuously Ferule brushes aside Aslander's stroke and attempts to the smash the axe out of his numbed fingers but Aslander grimaces and hold tight to "my father's sword." They break for a moment and clash again. And again and again. With each swing of Ferule's axe Aslander is driven further back. He takes blows that would break a normal man, his shoddy armour soon drenched in blood. But Ferule's axe never catches cleanly and Aslander himself redoubles his attacks. For a few brief flurries it is Ferule being driven back, his armour cracking under the weight of Aslander's heavy axe head. Briefly one of his lieutenants prepares to intervene but Ferule stops him angrily. Regaining his breath with his first blow he drives Aslander back, breaking a rib, with his haft he blocks a weak counter-attack and pins Aslander's axe then spinning he strikes hard to Aslander's left shoulder and this time the blade sinks deep. Aslander's arm drops to his side useless. Realising that the game is almost up, that he is outmatched, Aslander reaches for his dagger. Ferule is bleeding and bruised bit decides his foe deserves honour.


Meanwhile, the tide of the attack on Sunvale is shifting. With Ferule distracted, the troops are not so wel marshalled. Larad, Keldo and Cormalin  manage to form up and put the render killing tactics they learned at Billhook Farm to good use. With that threat vanquished, they start to lead a counter-attack and begin to push the invaders back. In the sky, the Wyvern riders' complacency is beginning to cost them. Two Orlanthi die for each wyvern but the Orlanthi are fighting for their homes and the riders are a long way from theirs.


The shift in the battle has been hard-won by Aslander. Equipped with a longsword provided by Ferule, Aslander strikes with everything he has, lunging hard his sword sinks deep into Ferule's left arm. Once again they are mirror images but now Aslander can hardly see as Ferule, drawing a wicked, enchanted bone sword attacks with speed and fury. Aslander is spent, his parry weak and easily overcome and the sword slices open his guts on the first pass then, as he stumbles, sinks deep into his chest. Aslander falls. Ferule, using the last of his strength, stands unaided over him then gestures to a lieutenant.


Aslander's sacrifice has allowed the defenders to win the day. Lacking orders the troops on the ground become disordered. Ferule's second in command, seeing the risks and seeing the way one single, out-matched Orlanthi inspired by his god could so nearly kill a man his superior in every way decides to sound the retreat. Sunvale has been saved.


As the troops retreat, the defenders count their losses. It is a bitter-sweet victory made even more bitter by the death of Hendrik and, once the situation is resolved the realisation that Aslander fell in single-combat. What's worse is that the retreating army seems to have taken his body and several prisoners with them. The day is theirs but tomorrow will bring new challenges.


Rescued from the Deep

Clayday Stasis

As the defenders count their losses a messenger arrives. Jotisan the Raven has been travelling the lands of Sen Seren and brings news from the south.  Solthmouth and the surrounding lands are finally free from the Dragon Army but Noryar has been surrounded by a wall of fire and no one comes in or out. Deepwell is also suffering: Vastyr BrightShadow has taken command and imprisoned Brandig and the loyalist Orlanthi in the caves at. The retreating army is heading that way with many prisoners and is pillaging the lands it marches through. A meeting is held and our heroes decide they want to follow after the army to Deepwell. The troops at Sunvale are busy re-fortifying and arrange for supplies to be transferred to Thunder Bridge so there is no one to spare. There's also no time to spare. Jotisan joins the group in order to 


Windsday Stasis

Travelling south to Deepwell with Jotisan. Keldo indulges his religion through violence and alcohol. As they reach the outskirts of the settlement they realise they need to cross to get to the caves. Cormalin attempts to sneak to the river edge and steal a thief but manages to alert just about every living thing within 5 miles. Clearly he's out of practice.  Unsure what to do, a handy villager recognises Keldo and explains that a few loyalists have set up camp out of town with Dagunda the exiled Ernalda acolyte and her helper, Hera. Naturaly they seek out Hera and Dagunda and, after some tense moments, agree a plan to liberate prisoners through the use of Jotisan's sylph. Keldo however has decided that Hera is not to be trusted though he can't explain why.


Fireday Stasis

Borrowing a boat from a sympathiser they travel across river to Deepwell caves and camp during the day, taking turns to keep guard. Meanwhile Hera sneaks into the caves with some hidden weapons when women are allowed to feed the imprisoned men. Various activities during the day alarm the party. About half of the guards leave to cross the river. A little later they spot a detachment travelling towards Dagunda's hide-out. In general there seems to be a lot of activity. The main body of the army has left. Feeling anxious, the party moves early and starts the rescue attempt at dusk. They sneak into position and then, as the guards settle down for dinner and seem to be at their least alert, charge the guard post. Keldo, realising that this is not the time for subtlety calls on Urox to fill him with rage and, essentially, attacks a dozen wyrmfriends by himself. Jotisan's sylph smashes into the guardpost then starts to haul the block out of the entrance to the caves. Back on the ground Keldo is wading through blood, mostly belonging to others, while Larad and Cormalin try to cover his back without attracting his attention.


At this point, Jotisan sees Vastyr on a vantage point ordering men into action. Realising that the situation is critical, Jotisan sends it hurtling through the air towards him. Vastyr, confident of his powers attempts to dismiss the spell controlling it but fails. Still not alarmed he blasts it with lightning but it is bigger than he expected. He blasts it again as he plucked off his feet. He realises that Jotisan has made a mistake, after all what fear does a Storm Dragon of heights. The sylph hurls him into the air, Vastyr calls on Orlanth the Dragon and Orlanth the Dragon turns away. Panicked he calls out for his god one more time but there is no answer. Vastyr dies wondering. 


Back at the cave entrance the prisoners are demanding the surrender of the remaining guards, who are only too keen to get away from Keldo (last seen headbutting a tree) and the oncoming storm that has just slain their leader. Hera looks puzzled at Larad, wondering why the plan changed. Brandig stumbles blearily into the light, thanking the heroes and then grieving the guards who have died. Some of them were born in Deepwell, one of the dead is one of the young kids who went into the caves with the party last time. 


Wildday Stasis

It's morning and the heroes are in consultation with Brandig about options to liberate Deepwell. Brandig makes the point that many of the villagers have signed up with the EWF and doesn't want more bloodshed. He wants to find some sort of leverage that might persuade the EWF to leave. Vastyr's death will have hit them hard but there's still a large contingent and any attempt to retake Deepwell by force will be bloody. Plus there are still hostages being kept in the main hall. The debate goes on for a long time with no obvious sign of conclusion until, around midday, a mercenary force shows up. They hail from Esrolia, call themselves The Maulers and have Cadamil at their head. After all the usual suspicion and pleasantries Cadamil reveals that the God Learners have hired them and that they were heading for Sunvale to join the rebellion but detoured to Deepwell when they heard reports of a battle. So now here they are. Cadamil realises that they'll never be trusted but while they have a common enemy, Rsadi will do all she can to win this war.


With the extra forces in place, Cormalin reminds Brandig of the men they saw heading for Dagunda's hideout. So Hara, Cormalin and 2 scouts cross the river to see what has happened. They discover Dagunda missing and the others killed.  About this time the rest see a gibbet erected outside the temple and Dagunda's body is hung in it. It seems that Dagunda was betrayed and that the EWF are not going to go without a fight. So, they ome up with plan to sneak across the river at night, infiltrate the temple and rescue the hostages with mercenaries as a back up. It's a tricky operation but after some skirmishes they succeed and the next morning the EWF troops agree to leave when they realise that they face extra numbers and no longer have the hostages to bargain with. They negotiate a withdrawal and leave over the day.


Godday Stasis

The EWF have left Deepwell, the old ways are reasserted and there is much merriment and celebration though not from everyone. Cormalin has decided that Keldo's not the only one who can be suspicious and starts observing Cadamil closely. At one point he becomes convinced that *something else* is looking through Cadamil's eyes. No one knows what Larad thinks as he has a religious obligation to stay silent all day. Hera discovers that Dagunda was betrayed by one of her women Adana, the wife of one of the men (Eran) held in the caves. Seems that Adana had made a deal to free Eran but lost her life for her pains: she was found garrotted in the temple. However there is no explanation forthcoming about why Vastyr recalled some men from the caves.


The one person not drinking all day is Cadamil. He is interested in whether the caves can be fortified and used as a strong point.


Freezeday Movement

And so Jotisan prays for spell recovery and regains his Sylph.  Larad makes suggestions about increasing the defences and suggests sending scouts to harry the retreating EWF. Scouts return the next day and reveal that they flushed out several EWFers keeping an eye on the town. Keldo teaches axe play to a few unfortunates. Cormalin shadows Cadamil. A lot. As the last of the funerals are finished, the party decide to travel north to Sunvale with Mali's Maulers the next day. Hara wants to accompany them as she has nothing left here; she says that she has contacts who can tell her about EWF activities to the west.


Waterday Movement

It's a cold blowy day (just for a change) and they are travelling north. Signs of EWF influence diminishing. Life is good.


Behind Enemy Lines 

Clayday Movement

Arrive back at Sunvale for the first major inter-clan meeting since the rebellion started. Many meetings and much celebrating. Daven is there from Thunder Bridge. Orlgard is still in the north but Keldo will speak for him. Maralis arrives with a Warband from Solthmouth. The rebellion is going well and there's a big feast that evening, many speeches are spoken, plans are made and various confidences are told and Keldo is confused.


During the evening Hara approaches Larad and asks if he can keep a secret. Being a Humakti he sort of can but is not very good at lying. She starts to tell him that she's not originally from Solthmouth and had been sold into slavery when Keldo comes over to see what's going on. As mentioned earlier, Keldo trusts Hara nowhere near as far as he can throw her. During the evening's festivities Keldo is convinced that Hara has stared at him evilly.


Larad later heads outside with Maralis where they discuss the rebellion. Maralis reveals that there is a plan afoot to marry her to Theorl and cement the alliance. She's not exactly happy with that. Impetuously she asks Larad to lay with her. Larad just about manages to say no. So they plan to get married instead. Larad's not sure if it's him or the death rune she's after. All in all, Larad ends the evening almost as confused as Keldo.


Windsday Movement

And so we come to the High Holy Day Orlanth. Taking advantage of this most auspicious of days, the Storm Council is called. The rebellion's leaders wish to seize this time to take control. As an even greater omen, Harp the Dragon Killer, King Androfin's Weaponthane, arrives with 50 warriors to covertly aid the rebellion. Harp is flash. Think epic, add a bard and you have Harp. The only person who loves Harp more than the people around him is Harp himself.


More surprisingly, Rsadi turns up with mercenaries in tow. A lot of the council are not happy to have any kind of dealing with sorcerer but Rsadi has provided equipment, support and men. It's hard to turn down that level of help. It is agreed that they need to keep on pushing the EWF hard but Hara has received information that a huge number of reinforcements were on the way from the EWF. Apparently one of the council of twelve has "opened an eye." Furthermore, she believes that many prisoners from the battles around Sunvale and Deepwell have been taken west. Keldo wants to know her sources of information but Hara will only say, cryptically, that she listens to the earth.


Despite Keldo's suspicions, a plan is hatched: the God Learners will take a small party behind enemy lines to both scout out the area and do as much damage to the supply lines as possible. Said party should consist of people who know the Marzeel river area between Jintul and Malton well. The sort of people who have friends and allies there, who may have purged the place of spider cultists. The kind of people who seem to be sitting right here. At this point the PCs realise who is being referred too.


The priests, meanwhile, are very excited about the storm that's building. It looks like it will be a big one and prove that Orlanth is waking to extend his powers. 


Fireday Movement

Speaking of storms, it's a very bumpy airship ride to just north of Malton. This is the first time the PCs have been on the Hawk Exultant as it's in motion. Cormalin continues to be suspicious of Cadamil: to Cormalin it is starting to look as though Cadamil might be possessed. The mule is unhappy; mules are ground-based animals. Yarlech The Humble explains itself to Keldo while Larad attempts a threat analysis on Yarlech. Larad does threat analyses a lot, they give him purpose. It's either that or admit to himself that he's just secretly promised to marry the leader of the rebellion thus endangering the planned alliance and probably upsetting just about everyone along the Solthi River. Compared to that, being several thousand feet high in the air surrounded by Godlearners and mercenaries while his armour and weapons are 'safely stowed' is a mere bagatelle. On the plus side, Cormalin and Keldo are paranoid and Jotisan appears to be mostly calculating whether he can destroy the airship while they're still on board. People wonder why Larad looks depressed a lot...


Wildday Movement

Arriving just north of Malton in the outskirts of the old spider woods. The wind is whipping around making landing impossible so they are descend rope ladders while the mule descends into its own private hell.


A couple of hours after Dawn, arrive at Malton. It's the first time in two years that they've been here and much has changed. EWF banners fly over the gate and the mayor's house. Wyrmfriend troops huddle in groups, wrapped tight against the biting wind and several locals bear dragon tattoos. Much remains the same though. They meet with Mayor Easy. He's now mayor in name only but offers them a good breakfast and what information he knows. The main strength of the army is down south at Jintul where a bridge has been built. A road from Jintul leads to the Fifth Claw Camp. Malton is no longer as important a market town. The military governor is based in Jintul so Easy gets to look after Malton as long as he doesn't cause any problems. If they wish to travel to Jintul he can recommend a good boatman.


After this, Keldo and Jotisan head for the Thirsty Wind. Keldo starts telling stories of derring do while Jotisan sits back and judges the mood of the crowd.


Larad and Cormalin head to the market. And manage to track down the boatman. Boatman says that they need to leave now to have any chance of getting down river to Jintul today.


So they had back to the inn. Keldo is in full flow. They talk with Jotisan. They agree that Jotisan will take over from Keldo and try to spread sedition by inspiring the locals to act. Keldo and Larad will take the raft half way down river then travel overland to pick up the new road from Jintul to the 5th camp. Cormalin will stay here in Malton with Jotisan. They will meet back at the intended pick-up point in 4 days.


So, midday comes and they are leaving the inn. The call to prayers has just ended and now Jotisan is feeling worried. Something is terribly wrong. All of them feel it but for Jotisan it is almost painful. Some sort of doom is gathering. Then the wind just stops. Completely.


There's a timeless pause then the reaction. Some people fall to the floor. Others start speaking of joyful visions of the dragon to come. Others feel nothing. The PCs are in the latter group. It is clear that something profound and significant has happened and rumours start to buzz almost immediately yet no one can agree on what it means or even what happened. 


A potted summary of what happened next

The PCs divided. Jotisan and Cormalin went to Jintul to spy out troop deployments while Larad and Keldo headed to the 5th Claw Camp via Granny Hickory's house. while at Granny's place they were attacked by another flying undead horror but defeated it easily. Granny's house had been ransacked and there was no sign of her but they did find an old piece of parchment written a language they didn't recognise. From there they spied out the 5th claw camp and saw a lot of new forces. They also saw various bodies in gibbets, one of them being Aslander. They decided that they could do nothing for him. 


Cormalin and Jotisan didn't make much progress though Cormalin kept wandering into Wyrmfriend temples and listening to what they had to say. He appeared to be seeking something but didn't know what. Eventually they headed back to Malton where Jotisan explored the old wind temple out of town. In among all this what they didn't know was that Hara had sent a message to her superior, Viskinos, telling him to look out for 4 old ways traditionalists who were going to try to cause trouble. However the PCs simply went underground and didn't get involved meaning that Viskinos never found them. At the end of the week the Ebenriss came back for them.


On the Ebenriss, Larad noticed scorch marks much like the undead breath weapons of the flying horrors. Cormalin ended up striking up a bond with Erid. Especially when he started, drunkenly, mentioning that he thought Cadamil might be channelling some sort of demon. Cormalin has seen *something* looking out of Cadamil's eyes more than once now.


On returning they learn that the Solthi river valley was ravaged by a fireball. Over the coming days they learn that it was the culmination of a ritual by Delecti towards the "first breath" of the great dragon. The Orlanthi are disheartened and the PCs think back to the weeping spirit they met over a year ago claiming it's "all ashes. The ashbringer is coming." Maralis is relieved to see Larad back. She had worried that he might have been caught in the fireball.


Put on the back foot and appalled by the number of new troops, Maralis makes plans. Androfin does finally move though and sends 12 score men under the command of Harp The Dragonkiller. Rsadi also comes through for the God Learners with more weapons and a promise of mercenaries. The PCs are becoming suspicious but Cormalin asks Rsadi if she can explain the dragon breath. Rsadi says she can cast a spell that will "look through his eyes and see what he saw." madly CORMALIN LETS RSADI CAST THE SPELL ON HIM. Afterwards she sighs and says it didn't tell a lot. 


Then KELDO COMES TO SEE RSADI AND ASKS HER FOR ADVICE. She says she could cast magic but Keldo refuses. So she makes a nice cup of tea and asks him questions. WHEN HE LEAVES KELDO DOESN'T NOTICE JUST HOW LONG HAS PASSED. Meanwhile Rsadi dances a happy jig of joy while noone's looking.


The PCs head back to Deepwell, concerned about the cave paintings and also concerned because Cadamil is there with a score of mercenaries helping to defend the town. This, they think, is not good. Cormalin has an encounter with an alynx and spends a lot of time spying on Cadamil. In the meantime they spend some time trying to find out where fords are on the river leading to the battle of the crossings. A tailed priest dragonewt, a dozen warriors and 3 score EWF find a crossing point. The biggest dinosaur they have seen yet simply wades into the water and proceeds to lie down, forming a makeshift damn. The PCs and 2 score Orlanthi warriors and commoners try and hold them off but once the warrior dragonewts start running along the back of the dinosaur they realise the gig is up. The surviving Orlanthi rout though the PCs and some warriors fight a delaying action through the woods.


Elsewhere, the EWF is pressing hard but the Orlanthi with the help of Harp and Rsadi are giving some ground but not a lot. The PCs are involved in various activities which come to a head towards the end of the season in Deepwell. It turns out that Cadamil had gained access to the caves. The PCs are appalled. Then the mercenary commander informs them that he is leaving because he's no longer being paid. The Orlanthi don't have enough money and get all righteously outraged. As the Ebenriss prepares to leave a couple of days later, the PCs are tricked back onto it. 


This is Erid's betrayal. He has seen too much. He knows the PCs are wanted and feels that Cormalin is ready to convert to the EWF. As soon as they are on the ship, they realise they've walked right into a trap. Cormalin has a very strange meal with Erid. The others are locked up with no weapons and armour. Keldo falls asleep and then wakes in a panic, dreaming of Rsadi looking through his eyes. He's been having strange portents. His response? Kick the door open and charge out. Larad and Jotisan scramble to keep up. The air pirate outside the door is literally knocked onto his back (he fumbled) and a difficult fight below decks starts. Erid has just told Cormalin not to worry about Cadamil anymore because he's dead when they hear sounds of battle. The fight spreads and Yarlech starts to cut his way into the below decks. Erid flips out and heads for the wheel house to start tipping the ship around crazily. There is much hanging on, fighting, spending of Hero Points and just too late they get to the wheelhouse. Erid has locked the controls and is drooling blood from this freshly split tongue. Yarlech cuts him in half but can't right the ship in time. Then impact. Yarlech's actions means the ship hits and bounces then ploughs along the ground. The PCs make a lot of Resilience rolls, spend every last Hero Point and are amazed to crawl out of the wreckage still alive. Albeit with more broken bones than they can count and not so much crawling as dragging.


After a few more misadventures they make it back to Sunvale. They hear that the rest of the EWF is besieging Thunder Bridge where Maralis has been rallying the troops, so, exhausted though they are, they head there. They have to detour past the army and spot the big dinosaur from down river. They also know that some of the army is moving through the Troll Woods to the east. They can see what the plan is. Cormalin takes them back up the steep forest trail he followed Jezat down all those weeks ago. They make it to Thunder bridge by nightfall. They are challenged but identify themselves. It's raining buckets and they're covered in mud and down to their final fatigue level. As they enter the stockade, alarums are sounded. There's confusion and shouting and soon it becomes clear.


Maralis has been poisoned and her healer stabbed to death. The Orlanthi are without their general and the next morning the EWF will attack from two directions as well as from the air. All is lost...


Godday Movement


Freezeday Illusion

Waterday Illusion

Clayday Illusion

Windsday Illusion

Fireday Illusion

Wildday Illusion

Godday Illusion


Freezeday Truth

Waterday Truth

Clayday Truth

Windsday Truth

Fireday Truth

Wildday Truth

Godday Truth


Concluded in Act V: Sacred Time

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