Abjuration Spells (OGL) in d100 format
Area (Cylinder, radius & height of 1m per Intensity),
Alarm sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature of SIZ 1 or more enters the warded area or touches it. A creature that speaks the password (determined by you at the time of casting) does not set off the alarm. You decide at the time of casting whether the alarm will be mental or audible.
Mental Alarm
A mental alarm alerts you (and only you) so long as you remain within 1km of the warded area. You note a single mental “ping” that awakens you from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration.
Audible Alarm
An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell, and anyone within 20m of the warded area can hear it clearly. Reduce the distance by 2m for each interposing closed door and by 5m for each substantial interposing wall.
In quiet conditions, the ringing can be heard faintly as far as 60m away. The sound lasts for 1 round.
Endure Elements
The recipient of endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and +50 degrees centigrade without having to make Resilience rolls. The creature’s equipment is likewise protected.
Endure elements doesn’t provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.
Hold Portal
Formula (Holdfast 40%, Intensity 4, Magic Points 1, Magnitude 1, Duration POW, Range POW*5m)
Target: A portal of up to 4 square metres.
This spell magically holds shut a door, gate, window, or shutter of wood, metal, or stone; it cannot be opened by any mundane means. Appropriate magic of higher Magnitude can open the portal or dispel the spell.
Protection from (Enemy)
This spell is a combination of Damage, Spell and Spirit Resistance that only works against a specified enemy. The enemy may consist of members of a specified species, members of an enemy organisation, country or deity. In worlds where Law & Chaos hold sway it may be as broad as members allied to the other side.
Arcane Force
Creates an invisible, weightless shield with the same characteristics as a Kite Shield except that it cannot be damaged by mundane weapons. The caster can parry melee and missile attacks using their Grimoire skill but cannot attack with the shield. The shield can also parry Arcane Force attacks (such as Magic Missile) if the Intensity of the Shield spell is greater than or equal to the Magnitude of the incoming spell.
Arcane Lock
Permanent (Magic Points used to cast this spell don't regenerate until the spell ends)
Target: The door, chest, or portal touched, up to 2 square metres per Intensity.
An arcane lock spell cast upon a door, chest, or portal magically locks it; it cannot be opened by any mundane means. You can freely pass your own arcane lock without affecting it; otherwise, a door or object secured with this spell can be opened only by destroying the portal or with an appropriate spell of higher Magnitude. When cast, each point of Targets manipulation allows you to specify one other person who can pass freely through the Arcane Lock.
Obscure Object
Autonomous or Permanent
Target: 1 object of up to 50kg per Intensity
This spell hides an object from location by divination (scrying) effects of the same or lower Magnitude than this spell's Intensity. The scryer will not realise that the spell has been countered.
Protection from Arrows
The target gains 5 temporary Hit Points per Intensity that can be used only to absorb damage caused by missiles. The spell absorbs damage done before any deduction for armour or before any version of Damage Resistance is activated. Once the spell's Hit Points have been exhausted the spell expires.
Resist (Energy)
The recipient gains 1 point of Damage Resistance per Intensity of the spell but only against the specified Energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The spell protects the recipient’s equipment as well.
Resist energy absorbs only damage. The subject could still suffer unfortunate side effects.
Dispel Magic - Neutralise Magic
Explosive Runes
Permanent (Triggered)
You trace these mystic runes upon a book, map, scroll, or similar object bearing written information. The runes detonate when read, 1D6 points of force damage per 3 Intensity. Anyone next to the runes (close enough to read them) takes the full damage to 1D3 different random hit locations with no chance to resist. Natural and worn armour has no effect against this damage. Any other character within 3m of the runes can attempt an Evade skill to take half damage. The object on which the runes were written also takes full damage.
You and any characters you specifically instruct can read the protected writing without triggering the runes. Likewise, you can remove the runes whenever desired. Another character can attempt to remove them with an appropriate spell of higher Magnitude but attempting to dispel or erase the runes and failing to do so triggers the explosion.
Magic Circle Against (Enemy)
This is the name given when Protective Ward is Combined with Protection Against (Enemy). As well as the usual effects Protective Ward, this ward may also prevent the Enemy from crossing into or out of the ward. It can block an enemy of 3 POW per point of Intensity this way. For example a Magic circle with an Intensity of 7 could block enemies of up to 21 POW.
This is a variant name for Obscure Object.
Protection from (Energy)
The target gains 5 temporary Hit Points per Intensity that can be used only to absorb damage caused by the specified energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The spell absorbs damage done before any deduction for armour or before any version of Damage Resistance is activated. Once the spell's Hit Points have been exhausted the spell expires.
Comprehend Language. Target uses Grimoire skill as skill to read or understand any non-magical language with written or spoken. Will not decode encrypted messages. Provides literal interpretation only so may still be quite hard to understand. E.g. "Yellow Eater I am shaking from."
Burning Hands
Creates a stream of fire that arcs towards each target. The effect happens instantly on casting. Damage equal to Intensity. (1 or 2 Intensity =1D2, 3= 1D3, 7=1D8 and so on). It can invoked a number of times in total equal to its Magnitude. Each invocation after the first takes 1 CA and can be cast against a different target. Each invocation is resisted separately.
Floating Disk. Fly + Illusionary Substance. Creates a concave disc with a diameter of 3m and 2cm deep. Automatically follows at a maximum speed equal to the caster's POW in metres and at a range of 3m. If ever out of range or more than 3m above the ground, it disperses. It can hold It can hold up to 10 litres of a liquid or intensity *50kg.
Shocking Grasp. 1dIntensity of Electrical damage per invocation. Touch only. Ignores metal armour (and +20% to overcome resistance if target wearing metal). 1 Invocation per Intensity.
Magic Missile. Does 1DIntensity per missile. Each invocation can have separate targets. Number of invocations equal to Intensity during duration. Ignore 1 AP per Magnitude.
Cause Fear. Resist (Persistence). Affects 3 POW per Intensity. Target becomes Terrified. Will flee while caster concentrates. While not concentrating the target will not approach caster but may otherwise act normally. If it leaves the range of the spell, the spell ends.
Chill touch. Resist (Resilience). Touch only. #invocations equal Intensity. 1DIntensity damage ignoring all armour. If target did not manage a Narrow loss, target also loses 1 Fatigue too. Undead of POW (or MPs) less than 3*Intensity flee.
Ray of Enfeeblement: Diminish STR + Range.
Animate rope = animate rope.
Enlarge Person = Enhance Siz
Erase Writing. Up to 1 page or equivalent per Intensity. Takes 1 CA per page removed. If writing is magical then Magnitude needs to overcome target.
Expeditious Retreat - haste
Feather Fall - Affects a Target of 10 SIZ (or 50kg) per Intensity. Extra Intensity can also be used to increase the number of targets. Can be reaction cast. Reduces falling speed to 1m per second.
Jump. Each level of Intensity allows an extra 2m horizontal jump or 1m vertical jump. Can affect a target of SIZ 3 per Intensity.
Magic Weapon: Damage Enhancement
Reduce Person 7. (Diminish STR, SIZ)+Enhance DEX + Range+1. Target a sapient humanoid creature. STR & SIZ -6, DEX +2.
Protection from Arrows. Grimoire 60%/Sorcery 20%. 1MP. 1CA. Damage resistance 8, Duration +3. Only physical ranged attacks.
Resist (Energy). 2 pts of Damage Resistance vs specified energy per Intensity.
Glitter Dust. Area with diameter 1m per Intensity. Will outline invisible creatures. Gives -5% to any Stealth checks per Intensity. All within area must Resist or become blinded while in area.
Web. Area of 1m diameter per Intensity. Needs anchoring. Strands have 1 AP per 2 Intensity and 1 HP per Intensity. Glue has a STR of 5 per Intensity. To unstick make Brawn roll at +/-5% per point of STR difference. E.g. Target has STR 12, web has STR 10, target gets +10% to Brawn. Takes a whole round of struggling.
Detect Thoughts. Telepathy formula. Only listening. Area 1m diameter per Intensity. Centre can be moved to any location within range as an action. Resist (Persistence). Can listen into any mind in the area with of INT less than caster's INT Any mind more than that forces caster to make Persistence roll or else be stunned until end of round and spell ends.
See Invisible: Mystic Vision formula.
Daze Monster. Affects SIZ 3 per Intensity for any living creature. Creature is stunned until end of next round. Can be Invoked once per Intensity.
Hideous Laughter. Affects 3 INT per Intensity. Target can do nothing but laugh for Intensity CAs. Doesn't work on Fixed INT. If not caster's species, target gets +20% to resist. While laughing can take no actions other than move or Evade.
Touch of Idiocy. Formula 30%/20%. Decrease INT & CHA -8. Touch.Duration +1.
Continual Flame. Light Illusion formula. Can spend permanent MPs.
Darkness. Formula 60%. Unnatural darkness (dark and night sight ineffective). Area 6m diameter. Duration +4.
Flaming Sphere. Volume 2m diameter. Move at Intensity metres per round. Intensity: 1 candle, 3 torch, 6 campfire, 9 bonfire etc. Concentration to move.
Gust of wind: Intensity 12 - hurricane, less pro-rated. Line shaped. Width = Intensity, Length = range. Can be invoked once per Magnitude.
Scorching Ray. A ray of fire. Should have Ray (Energy). A ray has no width but can hit anyone in range. Scorching Ray would be a high formula ray.
Shatter. Area 1m diameter per Intensity. All crystalline, glass objects etc weighing less than 1kg per Intensity in area are destroyed. Crystalline creatures Resist (Resilience) or take 1DIntensity damage to each location ignoring all armour and have Magnitude APs of any armour sundered. Invoked 1 per Magnitude.
Blur. Formula. Opponent's cannot choose location and get -20% to hit.
Invisibility. Concentration Affect 2 SIZ per Intensity. Equipment also affected. Target can see own equipment. spell ends if target attacks (though the attack itself will be invisible).
Magic Mouth. Illusion formula.
Minor/Silent/Mirror Image. Illusion formula.
Misdirection. Object registers on any kind of detect/sense spell that you would normally register on instead of you. Magnitude as usual dictates.
Phantom trap: Illusion Formula
Blindness/Deafness. Necromancy. The appropriate sense is destroyed. Resist (Resilience). Charges (Magnitude) *icky*
False Life. Gain 1 HP in each location for each 3 Intensity.
Ghoul Touch. 70% Formula. Palsy+Nauseating Gas. Charges (Magnitude). Touch paralyses location of up to 7HPs touched for POW minutes. Cloud of 7m diameter sickens (Resilience) all in area for 1D3 turns.
Scare (higher power Fear spell).
Spectral Hand. Can deliver touch based attacks. Can be moved at Intensity metres per round. Damage done to hand is done to your hand. (Spectral means that only magic hurts it.) It uses your skills to attack or evade.
Alter self: shapechange
Bears Endurance etc. These are Enhance formula. +4 in d20 is similar to +8 in RQ.
Dark vision: can see in pitch blackness to a range of Intensity*3m.
Levitate. Fly Formula.
Pyrotechnics. Form/set Fire Formula.
Rope Trick. Up to Intensity people (including rope) can move to an Interdimensional space for Duration of spell.
Spider Climb. Gives wall walking trait. Affect SIZ 3 per Intensity.
Whispering Wind. Message that can be spoken in a period of Intensity seconds. Can travel Intensity in km. Travel at a speed of up to Intensity km/h. Spell ends when message delivered or duration ends.
Dispel Magic - neutralise magic
Explosive Runes. Explode with 1D6 damage per 2 Intensity when read. Can be made permanent through permanent MPs.
Magic Circle - protective ward
Non-detection - spell resistance formula that works particularly well against any kind of sense, scrying or divination spell.
Protection from Energy. Gain Grimoire percentage ablative points against a particular type of energy.
Sepia Snake Sigil. Restrictions as per text. resist evade. Target imprisoned for Duration in days (e.g. +3 Duration would be 4 days).
Sleet storm. Cylinder Intensity in metres radius, Intensity in metres height. Concentration (ends)
Stinking Cloud. Cylinder (Intensity radius, Intensity height). Condition: Nausea
Summon Monster (I-III etc).
Arcane Sight - Mystic Vision
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance - Project (Sense)
Tongues. Speak any language with skill equal to Grimoire.
Deep Slumber. Aka Sleep. How does sleep work? Affect 3 SIZ per Intensity.
Heroism. Adds +10% to all skills used in combat or other dangerous activities and +10% to resist any effects or spells that would cause fear, loss of morale etc. Or +5% per 2 Intensity.
Hold Person. As it says. Affects 2 POW & 3 SIZ per Intensity.
Rage. Willing targets only. Character gets +5% to all attack & Resilience skills against pain and exhaustion per Intensity and -5% to all parries and Evades. Gets +1 AP per 3 Intensity. Cannot concentrate. Although he knows friend from foe, he will attack any foe no matter what the risk. If no foes to be found, will hunt for them.
Suggestion. Intensity in words. If target fails Persistence then unaware that a spell was involved. I
Daylight: Illusion formula.
Fireball. Sphere. Diameter Intensity in metres. Damage 1D6 Fire/heat per 3 Intensity. "Ranged/Touch is unarmed skill"
Lightning Bolt. 1D6/2 intensity electricity. No armour. (define the energy types)
Tiny hut. Intensity radius sphere.
Windwall. 2m in length and 1m in height per Intensity. Wind of a strength equal to 70mph+. Prevents missiles etc
Displacement. Illusion formula. Image appears to be 1m away. Attacks which hit the image have miss the actual target if the attack roll was even. E.g. Attack skill 63, rolls 34. Normally a hit but misses as the result is even. This is even true for criticals. Hand to hand combat: opponents get -40% to all parries and Evades against target.
Illusory script. Only readable by nominated targets (one per target of the spell.) Failed Persist. Target affected by a Suggestion (Intensity words). Once read by target, the spell ends.
Invisibility Sphere. Intensity diameter. Only affects those in area at time of casting. Attacking makes visibile. If recipient attacks, spell ends.
Major Image. Phantom sense.
Gentle Repose. Affect 3 SIZ per Intensity. Lasts Duration manipulation in days (Duration +3 is 3 days).
Halt Undead. Paralyses undead of 3 SIZ per Intensity.
Ray of Exhaustion. Resilience. Target gets 1 fatigue per 2 Intensity. Cannot recover this fatigue for duration. But does come back automatically on expiry.
Vampiric Touch. The recipient gains ability to drain energy from an opponent. *not working yet* Drain 1D6 HPs from a location to gain 1 MP or Fatigue. Cannot cause a major wound so if wouldn't damage = no gain.
Blink.Any attack misses on an even. Any of your actions (attacks, spells etc) roll 1D6. On a 1 they miss because you happen to be etheral at the time.
Flame Arrow. As per Firearrow. Can cast it on Intensity # arrows (all in contact) at once. Effect triggers on firing.
Fly = fly
Gaseous Form. One willing target. 3 SIZ per Intensity. All gear becomes gaseous too. Can move at Intensity meters per round. Immune to most physical attacks though wind etc will cause damage.
Haste = haste
keen edge. CM (bleed, or sunder perhaps?) Formula for damage enhancement
Magic Weapon, greater = damage enhancement
Secret Page. yadda yadda
Shrink item. Shrinks by 1/2 for each 3 Intensity. E.g. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 etc. Can affect an item of up to 1m3 per 3 Intensity.
Slow = slow
Water Breathing. TIN. 3 SIZ/Intensity. cf abjure air
Dimensional Anchor. Target cannot move from mundane plane or teleport in any way. Magnitude vs Magnitude where appropriate.
Fire Trap. 2m radius. Intensitydice fire damage. Trigger.
Globe of Invulnerability - protective circle.
Remove Curse - Neutralise Magic Formula
Stoneskin - ablative armour. Intensity *10 total.
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